Volumetric mixers are a crucial element to any construction project looking to pour concrete. Not only are they incredibly useful and create strong concrete, but they also help save money too! Learn more about how volumetric mixers save money and why you should consider them for your next project.
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Tag Archives: construction materials
Discover High Quality Cement Blocks
At Elston Materials, we’re proud to offer high quality cement blocks. Our blocks offer many things that other companies can’t promise, and we are proud to provide contractors and DIY-ers alike with quality blocks that will last a long time. Learn more about why our cement blocks are the best around.
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Winter Construction Pros and Cons
Winter is rapidly approaching and with it comes the question: do I start construction now or wait for spring? Whether or not you should start winter construction is a complicated question–and made more complicated based on location. It might not be a big deal to start construction in November if you’re in Miami, but Chicago winters are notorious for lots of cold and snow. We’ll tackle some of the biggest pros and cons of winter construction so you know if it’s right for you.
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Should You Use Cultured Stone?
Cultured stone has many uses in modern construction. But should you use cultured stone? We cover the reasons why you might want it for your next project as well as the difference between cultured and natural stone.
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Should you Start Fall Construction?
As summer ends, fall is here and winter looms on the horizon. So if you want to start a construction project before next year, your best option is fall construction. But is that a good idea? We have four reasons you should take on that project this fall so you don’t have to wait until spring!
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The Latest in Chicago Construction Trends
The latest Chicago construction trends are taking the city by storm. And not just Chicago: these trends are extremely popular across the United States. While many trends fade in and out over the years, these have staying power! So if you’re involved in construction, you’ll want to pay attention to these trends.
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There is Mortar the Story: Types of Mortar and Info
While on the surface, mortar seems pretty cut & dry, it turns out there’s mortar–more to, get it?–the story than that! The different types of mortar can actually have a significant impact on your project and how it turns out. Keep reading to find out which one is best for you.
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All About Cement Blocks
Cement block are the fundamental building blocks–excuse the pun–of many construction projects. There are plenty of different types of these blocks, and each have their own strengths. We have some helpful info about each block’s strengths and weaknesses.
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Sealing Concrete: What to Do and What Not to Do
When you’re planning on sealing concrete, there are many tips and tricks you should know. We’re covering some of the most important do’s and don’ts when it comes to sealing concrete, so you can avoid any mistakes and successfully seal your concrete. Whether it’s a driveway, patio, countertop, or floor, this will help your sealing process go as smoothly as possible.
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Mortar Construction: Everything You Need to Know
If you’re looking to start a construction project that uses mortar construction, you have to educate yourself on everything that using mortar construction means.
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