What is the MBE Certification?

If you visit the “about us” page on our website, you’ll see that we have a MBE Certification listed. But what is this certification and what does it mean for our business? More importantly, what does it mean for you?
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Your Guide to Protecting Cultured Stone

Cultured stone has many great benefits! It is often cheaper than natural stone, looks identical to natural stone, and can last just as long! But in order for your cultured stone to last a long time, you have to focus on protecting cultured stone. This isn’t an extensive process any more than protecting natural stone would be, but it is important to keep your cultured stone looking great.
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Spring Concrete Driveway Maintenance you Need to do

As Chicago’s weather changes and spring arrives, you can’t forget to care for your concrete driveway–or for any outdoor concrete walkways you have. Don’t miss out on this spring concrete driveway maintenance and keep your driveway in great condition!
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Mortar Construction: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re looking to start a construction project that uses mortar construction, you have to educate yourself on everything that using mortar construction means.
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3 Things to Know Before Starting Construction

When you start a construction project, there’s a lot to take in. When to start, where to get your materials, how long will it take…there’s a lot of factors! So it’s important to do your research before beginning the project. Here’s 3 things you should consider before starting construction.
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What are Architectural Split-Face Blocks?

Architectural split-face blocks can be very helpful to your construction project. At Elston Materials, we offer several types of this block. But what exactly are they?
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Why Are We the #1 Chicago Construction Supplies Source?

There are a lot of great Chicago construction supplies companies. But we’re the #1 source for contractors in Chicago. So what makes Elston Materials a great Chicago construction supplies company?
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