How Volumetric Mixers Save Money

Volumetric mixers are a crucial element to any construction project looking to pour concrete. Not only are they incredibly useful and create strong concrete, but they also help save money too! Learn more about how volumetric mixers save money and why you should consider them for your next project.
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Winter Construction Pros and Cons

Winter is rapidly approaching and with it comes the question: do I start construction now or wait for spring? Whether or not you should start winter construction is a complicated question–and made more complicated based on location. It might not be a big deal to start construction in November if you’re in Miami, but Chicago winters are notorious for lots of cold and snow. We’ll tackle some of the biggest pros and cons of winter construction so you know if it’s right for you.
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Should you Start Fall Construction?

As summer ends, fall is here and winter looms on the horizon. So if you want to start a construction project before next year, your best option is fall construction. But is that a good idea? We have four reasons you should take on that project this fall so you don’t have to wait until spring!
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Tips for Using Concrete Block

Concrete block is one of the most important building units in today’s world. When you’re constructing a project using these blocks, it’s important to know all the tips and tricks. We know high-quality blocks are essential to use, but what else should you be doing? We have 4 tips for using concrete block that will make your project even better!
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Seal Your Patio in 5 Easy Steps

backyard construction and tips on how to seal patio

As winter approaches, it’s important to seal your concrete patio. The sealant prevents moisture from ice or snow from seeping beneath the patio and growing mold or pushing your patio out of place. While this might seem like a daunting task, we’ve broken it down into 5 easy steps.
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Advantages of Starting Construction in the Fall

Summer is the busiest construction season in Chicago. You can hardly drive down the street without running into some sort of construction project. If you have an upcoming construction project and summer was too busy, you don’t have to push it off until next spring! There are some big advantages of starting construction in the fall, so read on to see if this is right for your project!
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5 Concrete Construction Tips

We do a lot of work with concrete construction at Elston, so we’ve compiled 5 of our top concrete construction tips. These tips will make your construction easier and help prevent problems.
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3 Things to Know Before Starting Construction

When you start a construction project, there’s a lot to take in. When to start, where to get your materials, how long will it take…there’s a lot of factors! So it’s important to do your research before beginning the project. Here’s 3 things you should consider before starting construction.
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