Winter Construction Pros and Cons

Winter is rapidly approaching and with it comes the question: do I start construction now or wait for spring? Whether or not you should start winter construction is a complicated question–and made more complicated based on location. It might not be a big deal to start construction in November if you’re in Miami, but Chicago winters are notorious for lots of cold and snow. We’ll tackle some of the biggest pros and cons of winter construction so you know if it’s right for you.
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5 Essential Tips to Prepare Your Driveway for Winter

It’s crucial to prepare your driveway for winter! When the cold and snow hit, you want to be prepared–or you’ll end up with potentially costly damage. Don’t spend all spring wishing you had been better prepared for winter. Instead, follow these essential tips to keep your driveway looking brand new, even after a harsh winter!
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Seal Your Patio in 5 Easy Steps

backyard construction and tips on how to seal patio

As winter approaches, it’s important to seal your concrete patio. The sealant prevents moisture from ice or snow from seeping beneath the patio and growing mold or pushing your patio out of place. While this might seem like a daunting task, we’ve broken it down into 5 easy steps.
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How to Prepare Construction Sites for Winter

Winter is quickly approaching, and if you have ongoing projects, you need to know how to prepare construction sites for winter. There are several ways to prepare construction sites for the winter months, and these are some of the most important.
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